10 Ways to NATURALLY Anti-Age yourself
I know it seems a bit out of character for me to share a “10 ways to” list, and it be on “anti-aging” at that. But the topic came up with one of my coaching clients and I realized I have quite an extensive list! With my birthday just passing this last week, age is certainly top-of-mind ;)
I think it’s first important to examine the mindset we have around aging. I personally get a little annoyed when people tell me I “don’t look my age.” What is 36 supposed to look like? I think we have a warped sense of aging and forget the huge role that overall health plays in it (not to mention the cultural assumptions we make about what people “should” be doing at certain ages, but let’s save that for later).
There are loads of older folx who make age look good, I recommend finding a few you can look up to! Michelle Obama, for example, is a rockin’ 56 yo. And a quick google search will reveal that there are folx well into their 80’s (!) that we can look to for fitness and beauty inspo. So let’s change the mindset that getting older = bad. Getting older can be fun, gorgeous, and frankly, a bit of a relief.
But, I know, we still want to look good, and I believe we don’t need surgery or injections to do so…
1. Hydrate! Drink water AND eat hydrating foods like fruits and veggies.
2. Moisturize. Kinda another form of hydration, make sure you have a good moisturizing routine everyday. Here is an awesome serum you can buy. If you prefer to DIY it: combine some base oils (almond, avocado, jojoba - you can use 1, 2, or 3) with a bit of rosehip oil (about a 70/30 ratio) and a tiny squeeze of vitamin E gel. Shake it well and apply!
3. Sunscreen! Everyday. Even when it’s cloudy.
4. Enjoy healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, walnuts, salmon). Avoid sugar and processed foods.
5. Collagen - not the injected kind. I put it in my smoothie. There are vegan options, too. (here's the one I use)
6. Face yoga - yes, you can do yoga for your face, too! It makes total sense that we can tone and sculpt the muscles in our face, making them stronger to, well, hold things up! I like this lady but there are loads of resources out there.
7. Jade roller. Maybe you’ve heard of this nifty little tool. Honestly, I just think it feels good, but apparently it has some solid benefits as well.
8. Exfoliate. A lot of our anti-aging is about supporting the regeneration of skin, and exfoliating does just that. Aim for 1x/week and be gentle. You can use a wet washcloth, or an exfoliating scrub. Rub in small circles, and again - be gentle!!
9. Get upside-down. While you don’t have to stand on your head, inverting your body in some way will increase blood flow to your face and give your body a full “refresh.” Try laying on your back (this can be on your bed) and sticking your legs up in the air (you can even lean your legs up against the wall). This is also relaxing to the whole nervous system and can be good before bedtime, or any time you're feeling anxious.
10. Go the extra mile with a DIY facial from time to time.
Which of these are you gonna try?
Do have others to add to the list?
Comment below and let me know!