I was a weird kid. A sarcastic, whacky tomboy always trying to make other people laugh. I felt like a bit of an outsider - lots of friends but few of them close. I was always trying to be “popular,” striving to fit in. I was bullied and my parents were divorced, but I never really gave myself permission to be upset about any of it.
Sometimes it didn’t even occur to me to do things the way I was “supposed to,” like when I moved across the country after college even though everyone else I knew stayed close to home. In other ways, I fell in line: I got a 9 to 5 job, bought a Volvo, and settled into adult life. I even bought a condo at 24 (!) but after ending yet another “good enough but not quite right” relationship, I sold my place at 28 to go travel through Europe. I quit my job, left everything I knew, and set off into the unknown - which is where I came face-to-face with my own anxiety (read: panic attacks!).
I ended up living in Spain for a short while, where I took a good look at my health, lifestyle, and tendency towards anxiety. It was there that I delved deeper into the wellness world and sat with myself in a way I never had before. I realized I wanted to pursue an entirely new career path- one that seemed impossible, irresponsible, full of twists and turns and far less certainty than my already-established career in environmental sustainability.
Faced with the realities of living in NYC, I shrunk myself back into my old career out of fear and deeply held programming: who was I to do anything “different?” My body rejected it. I was forced to quit, to listen to my inner knowing, to dive back into the unknown and carve my own path. I returned to Spain, where I completed yoga teacher training, and moved on to work at a retreat on the coast of the Mediterranean. It was there that I cut my teeth as a coach, leader, and yoga & mindfulness instructor.
My experience and excitement around helping folks find THEIR thing and the permission to pursue it has helped me guide other’s to leave unfulfilling relationships (for a while earning me the nickname “the breakup coach”), quit their boring jobs, start their exciting projects, and book their dream vacations.
My training in mindfulness, habit change, self-discovery, manifestation and Human Design combine to create a unique roadmap for my clients. I break things down into digestible steps, and hold space as we navigate the roadblocks of mindset, limiting beliefs, and perhaps even trauma from past experience that has you thinking you can’t be the person you dream of becoming.
Because you absolutely can. And I want to help.
“I think the greatest power we have, is in actually acknowledging that we have all the power. ”