Megan identified my blind spots and pushed me out of my comfort zone. She held me accountable to making changes that I would have otherwise procrastinated. And she did it all with incredible compassion.
— Jeff

There’s an inherent anxiety in not living as your most authentic self.

It’s like an alarm going off inside you - be it your truest self, your inner child - part of you is calling out for help, wanting to be seen, heard, held, and realized.

Perhaps you’ve already accomplished a lot, but you’re wondering if there’s more.

You even feel a little guilty for posing such a question when so many would be thrilled to have the life you’ve built.

You have glimpses of this dream, but it seems like that’s all it is - a dream.

You have no idea how you would get there, and you have trouble relating to the version of yourself that could make it happen.

You feel obligated to live in this perfectly good, “good enough” life of yours, afraid of losing it all while searching for more.

“Don’t be greedy, it could backfire,” says the voice in your head.

But still… there’s this knowing.

There’s a war inside between your two versions of self: the you that wants to stay safe, and the you that wants to go for it.

Trouble is - no matter how much you try to turn off the alarm, bat it down, or numb it away - your true, empowered, magnificent self will keep fighting to be heard.

This internal battle manifests as anxiety in your body.

So, who will win?


In my one-on-one coaching program, you’ll get:

  • A personalized program to address your needs and goals

  • 1-hour weekly Zoom calls (plus session recording for your reference later on)

  • Structured weekly homework assignments to keep you moving forward

  • Any resources (meditations, podcasts, book recommendations, or videos) that I feel would be helpful along your journey

  • Email support between calls


in our 3 months working together, My Clients go from…

Anxious to confident

Frenetic to calm

“Control freaks” to trusting

Always making backup plans to optimistic

I help my clients learn how to be their most authentic selves, not just tolerating themselves, but celebrating and embracing all the things that make them who they are. There’s a reason you have the special traits and interests you have, and there’s a reason you’re here. If you have an inkling that you’re meant for a different life, trust that feeling. Learn to listen to your intuition, learn to see the sign posts that show you the way. The roadmap is right in front of you, you just need to learn how to read it.

Trust her. Trust her process, even when it gets tough. Trust that she’s genuine and authentic and she will see you.
— Jessica
Working with Megan has been wonderful. Our work helped me focus on so many other parts of my life that cause anxiety. I was able to stop headaches, sleep better and reduce anxiety while reducing my medications through my MD. I’ve learned to allow people and opportunities to come to me instead of chasing them. Talking to her you can easily start to love and accept all your facets.
— Henry
I’ve probably never felt this good in my life. The strategies we’ve talked about have helped my anxiety in a way nothing else ever has.
— Elly
Coaching with Megan was the silver bullet that I was looking for. I came to find out there was no one single thing contributing to my anxiety and overall feeling of being ‘stuck’ and not where I ‘should’ be. Through attainable lifestyle changes, bias toward action, and positive reflection, I built up numerous pillars to support the solid foundation I was so desperately searching for. I was unable to weave it all together on my own and Megan helped me put a realistic plan together to build paths to get where I wanted to go. I am so grateful I found Megan and feel the benefits every day. Should I need some more direction and guidance in the future, I would definitely seek her out again.
— Courtney
Megan has been like a ray of light on my journey of self discovery. She has been full of support and encouragement when I’ve had doubts or things have been tough. It’s been great to get some really practical suggestions for how to get me back on track or see things in a slightly different way. What has been most comforting is that she understands how I’m feeling because she’s been there herself. I couldn’t recommend Megan more highly.
— Hayley

Megan’s compassion and commitment to the process helped find the deepest, most secret things inside me that had been holding me back for years. Without her steady guidance, I don’t believe I would have been able to truly take the next step into living the kind of life I knew I was capable of living - emotionally, physically and mentally.
— Jessica