Bye 2020 / Prompts for the new year

You guys!! It's here - the end of 2020! WOW! I know a switch won't flip at the stroke of midnight making everything better, but damn it still feels pretty great to reach this milestone.

Naturally, I've been reflecting on the year behind, and thinking about how I want to move into the year ahead. I've also been trying to release the pressure that New Year's brings, to suddenly have it all figured out and make some sweeping resolution and expect to go from 0 to 100 overnight. We all know that doesn't work, and honestly after the year we've had, I'm just not even feeling that energy. So, let's go slow. Let's take our time. Let's first process this 20-years-all-in-one moment we've just lived through.

I put together a few journal prompts to help you do just that…

Take a moment to sit and center yourself before, during, and after answering these. I highly recommend actually writing things down, as we tend to go deeper that way. Allow yourself to explore via free writing whenever you feel that tug. Enjoy!

  1. What did I learn about myself this year?

  2. How did I surprise myself this year?

  3. Who am I especially grateful for this year?

  4. If 2020 was a chapter in my personal story, what would it be called?

  5. If I could go back and give myself advice at the start of 2020 - knowing what I know now - what advice would I give?

  6. If I were to meet myself one year from now, what would that future version of myself want me to know as I move into this new year?

  7. How will I step out of my comfort zone this year?

  8. What’s one next step I can take towards my goal?

  9. What is my intention for the year ahead?

  10. How will I stay true to myself?