Tune in.

Hi friend!

Dare I say this is all starting to feel a bit normal...? I feel that I've settled in to quarantine lifestyle quite well - knowing that is not the case for everyone. I'm not doing less, per se, but I am tuning in more. The simpler routines have made it easier to pay more attention to a few things - things which probably deserved my attention all along...

1. My cycle. No, I'm not even talking about my period - I have an app for that. But the ups and downs of the cycle itself; I've noticed a great surge of energy and eagerness to accomplish all the things right after my period ends. As my bestie points out- this is when we have the most testosterone, so I guess that makes sense. This is VALUABLE INFORMATION as we navigate our own work flows, exercise plans, etc etc. 

2. How foods affect me. I've always had a very touchy digestive system, something I've been trying to crack the code on for years. The monotony in the days has helped me see this a bit more clearly, and I've even been keeping a food diary for about two weeks so I can start to identify patterns and find the culprits for things like bloating, lethargy, and sleeplessness. 

3. My cravings. This is a bit of a spinoff of #2, but something you might already know about me is I really love to make schedules. I plan out when it would be best to eat, to drink my coffee, to take my breaks. And then I don't follow them. I've been able to watch the natural fluctuations in my energy levels, motivation, and cravings. So instead of force-feeding myself a big lunch at 1pm ("ideal" per my schedule), I'm crafting a new smoothie recipe for something a bit lighter and more refreshing, saving the larger/slower meal for later in the day, when I'm ready to wind down. 

4. The sounds outside. Yes, you read that right. This one was mostly inspired by my trying to record some meditations to share online, I noticed just how damn noisy my street is! The birds are hella loud, and even on my super narrow street it sounds like tanks are rumbling by when a car passes. I can hear my neighbor across the street vacuuming, and my neighbors chatting down the block. The other day as I sat in observation of these sounds I thought: THE SOUNDS OF QUARANTINE. When this is all a distant memory, I will remember these sounds; my quiet apartment, the light filtering in, the sounds of the street below and the knowing that every other being I hear is sharing this experience, albeit from their own individual perspective and circumstance. It's like a soundtrack I'll come back to to remember these days, this chapter. 

5. What people need. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have LOVED the notes and emails I have received from you guys. THANK YOU for reaching out to say you've enjoyed a class or meditation or IG post. And thank you for sending your requests and questions, too! YOU INSPIRE ME and help guide me into what I should do/create next. Because - spoiler alert - IT'S ALL FOR YOU.... whoops just got sidetracked dancing to Janet Jackson... 

For real though, I love you. I don't know that I have ever felt a stronger sense of community with my peeps online. The most recent request was for a beginner's INTRO TO YOGA WORKSHOP which is so right up my alley I can't wait to cook it up. I'll break down common poses and things you'll hear in a yoga class. If you've got a specific question - please tell me! I'll be recording this in the next day or two so shoot me an email to let me know what I can help demystify for you. 

Keep calm and carry on, my friend. I hope you have your own short list of things you've been able to pay a bit more attention to - at the center of which, being YOU.
