
Something pretty incredible has been happening with me lately. It started around the time I moved into my new place. You see, I’ve gotten really interested in this thing called Human Design. In short, it’s like a “new astrology” and, like astrology, it tells you about yourself. It’s a powerful tool that can help you lean more into the ways you are naturally meant to be, and let you off the hook of trying to be the ways that you just naturally aren’t. Because we’re all different, and we’re all meant to operate a little differently in this world to find our flow. It reminds me of the Einstein quote:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Human Design can help you realize that you are a fish, and give you permission to stop trying to climb the damn tree.

In HD there are 5 main “types” and one of the things I find most important about your type is whether or not you have sustainable energy. Only two types do, the other 3 are not meant for the 9-5, go-go-go grind culture we live in. This can help explain why so many people are burnt out, or are labeled “lazy” when they can’t seem to keep up; it could literally make them sick if they tried. Even those with sustainable energy (Generators and Manifesting Generators) can burn out or become sick if they focus their energy in the wrong place, aka something they don’t really care about. Sound familiar?

The other most important component is your strategy, this is how you are meant to approach and navigate life. As a Manifesting Generator my strategy is “to respond,” which means that I’m not really meant to start things from nothing but I need to wait for something to respond to. Whether that’s a specific request, an intuitive pull, or something being presented to me and literally asking for my response. This is hard, because the Generator in me always wants to be doing, but I have to learn to sit tight and trust that the right ideas and opportunities will present themselves. Yes, I have to TRUST, literally one of my biggest challenges of this lifetime. Looking back I’ve seen evidence of this many times in my business: anytime I try to just <poof> create something out of thin air (usually because I think I should or feel pressure to do so), it falls flat. But when there’s an energetic pull for me to follow - something to respond to - it goes much better.

Around December I decided to experiment with this concept and let myself off the hook of “always doing” and instead find a more go-with-the-flow approach, keeping an eye out for things to respond to, not creating things out of nothing, and not doing things just because I thought I “should.” And I have to tell you, it’s been pretty magical. The idea with Human Design is when you’re living in alignment with your type and strategy and everything else in your chart, that things will just flow. And flow they have.

The biggest shift has been releasing the constant busy work and pressure to create something new; I’ve allowed myself to simply live my life and do the things I feel called to do. Even if that feels “selfish” or maybe even “irresponsible” as most of us were taught to see it. Because I’m a Generator I’m still far from lazy - I’m just putting my energy towards things I care about and noticing that I don’t get burnt out when I’m doing the “right” things. Tired, yes - as a Generator I’m meant to tucker myself out every day to get good sleep. But burnt out, no.

It’s reduced my anxiety and that constant pressure I used to put on myself; that permanent “what’s next?” vibe I lived with. As I mentioned, sitting back and trusting that things will come my way is the hardest part, but opportunities have been popping up like magic, from mostly unexpected places, and I feel a whole new sense of calm and trust that they will continue to do so.

For example - just last week I let myself be distracted by a mirror. Yes, a mirror. That morning I decided I wanted a mirror for a particular spot in my apt, and - wouldn’t you know it - I found one on my sidewalk just a few hours later. I lugged it home, painted it, and set it up. It gobbled up my day in the most enjoyable way, and I didn’t feel bad about it. That very night I unexpectedly booked a new client - a conversation I was having because I was following another energetic pull, and responding to his request to talk further. I didn’t pitch him, or even think for a second that he’d become a client, he brought it up without a prompt and it is a very beautifully aligned coaching-client relationship that we are both thrilled to be in.

Similarly, I’ve let go of things that didn’t feel right energetically, only to then jump on a call (which I was invited to) and be asked to co-author a book. A BOOK. If you’ve been following my work for a while you know this has always been a dream of mine, but I couldn’t seem to get it started on my own; I needed something to respond to.

Do you see the pattern here? 70% of the world’s population shares this strategy of “responding” with me, so there’s a good chance you’re the same. If you’ve been in the habit of trying to control, orchestrate, or force things to happen only to feel like you’re banging your head against the wall - maybe stop? Look up your Human Design and commit to one month of experimenting with your strategy - just see what happens!

As I’ve learned and explored this new woo-woo science I’ve been doing readings for people with the knowledge I’ve gained so far - if you want to dive deeper I would love to do yours! You can book a 1-hour session here. I’m doing them on a sliding scale of $40-$80, Venmo whatever you can afford, and I can’t wait to connect with you further!

