Follow the energy

I know, I know - I disappeared for a few weeks there. I had a busy couple weeks booked solid with Human Design Coaching sessions, followed by a week in California. I originally thought I'd work from Cali, but once I got there I realized I just needed the time off. So I took it. I'm not sure I would have given myself permission to do that if I hadn't just done a million human design readings, because my biggest takeaway from that busy streak was this:

We are meant to enjoy our lives.

Yup, I said it. We're supposed to follow the energy, do what we feel excited to do. This is counterintuitive to most of us, because we've been taught to "work hard," and "make things happen." We have very little trust that things will work out if we're not directly controlling every move, anticipating the outcome before we even give things a chance to play out. So let's break down some of these beliefs, shall we?

First of all - work hard. Yes, of course. But what does this mean to you? Does this mean it should feel like banging your head against the wall? Or should it be that satisfying kind of exhaustion? For example, I work very hard to lead retreats, and I love it. I work very hard to design and decorate my apartment, and I literally couldn't keep myself from doing that if I tried. I work hard to support my clients, and it barely feels like work. 

See the difference? There's hard work that feels forced, that feels unnatural in a way; this is typically the stuff we've been taught "is just part of life," or "is just being realistic." And then there's work that fills your soul; it's easy to mistake the latter as not-work, because it's the thing that comes so easily to you. Or perhaps you don't see how it has the direct result you're going for.

For example, while in California - after I decided to just take the time off, save for my coaching calls  (which don't feel like work) - I went to get a facial. A facial! Nothing work-related about that. BUT, I spent the whole hour+ chatting to my aesthetician about the work I do, the choices I've made, the path I've been on, and all throughout the session she exclaimed about how she wanted to hire me as a coach. Who woulda thought I could find a client by getting a facial while on vaca in California? I've gotten some of my other clients in similar ways, too. Striking up conversation because it feels fun, and natural, and voila! I'm in business. 

The trick here is: it takes a tremendous amount of trust to let go of the tight grip we have on all the "shoulds" and "how-to's." We think we can only find a new job by tirelessly scouring the job postings, but how many people do we know that found their dream job that way? When I manifested my *perfect* bridge job, between living in Spain and getting ready to start this biz, I found it in the most roundabout of ways...

I had made a list - a manifestation list - of what I wanted in the job. I didn't care exactly what industry it was in, or what I was doing. I just knew I wanted to care about it, to be around people I enjoyed being around, to not sit at a desk, to be more physical with my body, and to be able to bike to it right here in Brooklyn. I did scour the job boards, not really sure what I was looking for. I got dressed up and interviewed at architecture firms, because that was closely related to my former industry. I remember actually hoping that I did not get that job, because it felt like a drag to me, but also feeling like I'd be obligated to take it if offered, because I had bills to pay.

Meanwhile, I was on my own personal skin-healing journey. I had cystic acne from about 26-31, and had recently discovered a natural skincare line here in BK. I emailed the owner, expressing my interest in the company, and she invited me to her book launch party (I went) but also mentioned another cool natural skincare brand based in Brooklyn. I emailed that one, and wouldn't you know it, the owner received my email the VERY SAME DAY she lost her previous employee. I interviewed, felt the good energy, and proceeded to work and learn and grow there for the next 15 months. It checked all the things on my list, but never would I ever have guessed I'd be making natural skincare for a job. 

I feel like I've, once again, gone on a bit of a ramble on what I intended to be a quick and to-the-point email. Can you tell that THIS is a place that my energy just flows as well? What I've been asking of my clients as of late is this:

List the parts of your life that feel fun, joyful, easy, exciting...

List the parts of your life that feel like a drag, like you’re banging your head against the wall, like it's being forced...

Do more of the former, less of the latter. TRUST. Perhaps some of the latter things feel like they "need" to happen. First, I would challenge "need." But second, I would ask if you could do it another way. Ask yourself: why are you making it so hard??

Anyhoo, I'm off for a hike. If you wanna chat more about how to make life more easy and fun for YOU, book your 1:1 Human Design Coaching session here!
